A revolution starts with an idea and desire for freedom. If we cannot conceive of our own freedom, whether our ability to do what we want, when we want, or even just within our own mind, we will not take the step to evolve and move out of our captivity to a space of freedom. Our founding document, The Declaration of Independence, specifically states that “all men are created equal, …and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, those are, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Liberty is the term used to denote freedom in this clause. If life is the sum total of our earthly experience, and we want to live a full one, we need the other rights to exist. In order to pursue happiness, we need the liberty, freedom, to move how we want, where we want, and with whom we want. In order to have freedom, we need to know what it looks like and feels like. And we need to know how to develop it, starting within ourselves.
What is freedom? This concept is different depending on who you are and how you think. There is a story of a person who saw a circus elephant tethered to a folding chair, not moving. They asked the handler why the elephant didn’t just walk away. The handler said the elephant had been conditioned to believe that the rope was preventing its escape. All that was needed was to attach the rope and the animal believed it was not free.
Nelson Mandela was held in captivity for over 3 decades, never even charged with a crime, held only because he threatened the abhorrent system that was apartheid in South Africa. Once freed, he turned the tide and became South Africa’s first Black President.
Freedom starts within ourselves. Whatever we believe about ourselves and our condition, we are correct. Begin the journey with us today; to remove any shackles we have that are preventing us from moving to our full potential and our full expression of us; absolute love.
July 1, 2024
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